Foiled Roles:
Dream Steve, Steve (in the original cast)
13 Things You Never Knew About Darren
He comes from Caernarfon, in North Wales. His first language is Welsh,
but he speaks English most of the time now.
When he was 9 years old, he was given a cat by someone who was the
best friend of the guy who did the music to Star Wars, John Williams.
He plays keyboard, guitar, drums, piano and the Irish tin whistle.
When he was 17 years old, he was keyboard player in a band called "Am
Dwrw". Their proudest moment came when they performed on the Welsh TV
channel S4C. The following week, their album went to number 3 in the Welsh
rock chart.
He loves winding people up. You wouldn't belieeeeeve the number of
things he's made Howell Parry and
Nick Stocker believe. He once convinced
them both that the word GULLIBLE had been taken out of the dictionary.
He's got a framed pair of Howell's red underpants in his lounge. He
once mentioned jokingly to Howell that he wanted them in a frame; Howell,
being his gullible self, didn't realise this, and turned up the next day
with them in a frame, and even signed a note of authenticity ("My Red
Underpants" by Howell Parry). Darren was freaked, but nevertheless he now
has them hanging on his wall.
A few years ago, he walked through Moss Side (a dodgy area of
Manchester) at 2am, to get home. On the news the next day, he discovered
that someone had got macheted to death an hour later, on the very road
he'd walked along.
He has lots of annoying sayings like: "What do you meeeeean?", "If I
give you some money will you go to the bar?" and "There's a new guy at work
called Mr Jubollocks, first name Hugh".
He once won an award at a MANWEB Energy Conservation conference in
Bangor. Out of 400 delegates, he was the one who managed to boil an egg
and make a piece of toast using the least amount of energy; using a
machine made from pieces of wire and a car battery!
He once sat in a traffic jam on the A556 (between the M56 and M6, not
far from Manchester) whilst driving to work, with Eric Cantona singing
behind him in a black convertible BMW.
On his wedding day, he wore his lucky Dougal (from The Magic
Roundabout) socks. After all the official photos had been taken, he pulled
up his trouser legs to reveal them, and posed for lots of weird photos.
He once met Mike Harding, the legendary British comedy musician, in
the toilet in Rockworld, a club in Manchester.
He once met Todd Carty (who plays Mark in Eastenders) in the Banshee,
a goth club in Manchester.
...and now here's a picture he probably doesn't remember ever being