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Fluffy The English Vampire Slayer
The Jedi Who Loved Me
Sunday Night Zombies
Undercover 70s Cops
Dr Hall
The Sinister Dr Stone
Big Chimp
Other Movies We've Made
Online since 1995
It's not available online yet, but our latest short film Lockwood has been completed, and has it's own web page on this site. We filmed it two and a half years ago after we'd made the series of "lunchtime shorts" - the short films we made during lunch breaks in 2016. It shares a lot of similarities with those films, but has a longer running time (just over 9 minutes) and a vague plot. Originally we recorded a voiceover for it which explained a lot more of what is going on - however, we made the decision to drop that and leave it up to the audience to figure it out.

We had two big challenges filming this. One was we only had 10-15 minutes a day to grab as many shots as possible, so it took a while. The other was we were fairly close to Lasham airfield so there was a lot of waiting for aircraft to move out of the area and let us get a good sound recording!
Saturday, 9th February 2019 @ 10:12PM

Johnny Lobsterhead

Today we finally released a film that was shot way way back in 2003 - Johnny Lobsterhead. Written and directed by Adam Lopez, and starring Howell Parry and Susanne Carlon, this film was shot in Toronto, Canada, and the raw footage sat on a tape on a shelf for many years. It eventually made its way over to the UK where Steven McCombe got it digitised, and Henry Burrows finally edited it together.

It was filmed in black and white on an old camera, so the quality is not the best, but we had fun making it and hopefully you'll enjoy watching it.
Friday, 5th January 2018 @ 12:41PM


The last of our summer short films was released today - Decisions. Can you crack the code? No? Yes?

(Actually, there is one more film to come, but it's a longer one than these... and you may have to wait a year or two)
Tuesday, 6th September 2016 @ 10:04AM

The Cloud

I had this footage of a cloud disappearing for the past year, and finally found a home for it...
Thursday, 1st September 2016 @ 09:08AM
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Website design by Henry Burrows (@foilman@bbq.snoot.com)