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Foiled People - Howell Parry
Facts About Howell Parry

  • His grandmother's cousin was the Welsh Labour MP, Aneurin Bevan, who initiated the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK.
  • He loves foreign languages, and has so far studied French, German, Spanish and Japanese - but he still cannot speak his national language, Welsh!
  • 2002 - 2003 was a year of fancy dress... beginning with an appearance as The Pink Panther at a company summer ball in 2002, he then went on to be a (very drunken) mummy at a 2002 New Year's Eve party, Hawaiian-style Elvis at a Hawaiian party in July 2003, an evil zombie monk called Brother Insanitus at Hallowe'en 2003 and then Batman at a 1960s party in December 2003.
  • On a family holiday in 1983, he took part in a Donkey Derby, but while all the other donkeys raced towards the finishing line, Howell's donkey just wandered off the track, in the complete opposite direction.

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