There's actually been quite a bit of work going on recently, but not much to show for it here yet. The "Undercover 70s Cops" music video has been completed and had a very well received premiere a few weeks back. Although it might be some time before the video hits the internet, I'll try to get some pictures up soon.
I've been experimenting with DVDs and have at last managed to get a DVD with a selection of our short movies on it. I want to get some nicer menus & extras together but it's looking good so far.
Howell Parry, Steven McCombe and Adam Lopez have been experimenting with new make-up/costume possibilities and have produced some very impressive results. We may make a third zombie film at some point to take advantage of this...
Finally, this weekend I went along to a "Make Your Own Damn Movie" weekend in London where Lloyd Kaufman of Troma showed us how he does it. And how he makes films. Here's a picture of me with Mr Kaufman and the head of the Toxic Avenger! |